Equine Access is a web site host, content management system, and application program interface (CMS, API). If you are a horseman, I just lost you! Five years ago, this was all gibberish to me too. I have been breeding, raising and training Holsteiner sport horses since 1986. Most horse people spend the majority of their time on the back of a horse or at the horse show. As an amateur hunter-rider, I wanted a job close to the horse industry and became a graphic artist and website developer using HTML and CSS in the early 1990's. Equine Access has been years in the making, and now helps me develop websites much cleaner and faster than ever before.
Wordpress is the webware of choice for many major web hosting companies and web page and app designers. Yes, it can be customized by a programmer, but the everyday horseman may glaze over if they log in to do their own website management. Heck, even I glaze over looking at it. Why? Wordpress was built to cover the broadest range of the web community. Equine Access is similar in theory, but is focused on the sport horse industry. Equine Access is more visual, leading you through the architecture of a good website design and therefore output. Equine Access was built to be user friendly. Equine Access was built to enable you to develop, manage and update your own web pages on the fly, even using just your cell phone! Images, videos, pedigrees and web pages can be linked together with the use of hash tags (#). If there is one thing that most horse people know in the digital / computer world, it is the hash tag. Equine Access makes more use of the hash tag element better than any other web site development application.
As the owner / developer, I am available to review your web site and can tell you how Equine Access will improve your website content and search engine optimization (SEO). Most often I see a web page that is too long with horse after horse in one long listing. This one page will generate possibly hundreds of new auto-linked web pages by the Equine Access platform gaining much more opportunity for random traffic to find your farm, your services and your horses.
To horse people a discussion of metadata quickly becomes a foreign language, much like a discussion of rollkur is to non-horse people. Metadata is data that provides information about other data, it is computer read information in the heading of web pages or attached to images and videos. It may not seem important, but it can make or break the success of a website. Equine Access has incorporated easy to use methods that improve your metadata without the pain of understanding exactly what it is or what it does. You don’t need to understand it, but you do need to use!
Are you tired of adding historical photos and pedigrees to your web site? Uploaded photos / videos can be made public and linked by hash tag to an individual horse in a pedigree. When that individual horse shows up in your horse’s pedigree its photos / videos already exist in our database and are made available for your use. Equine Access is built to be a repository of pedigree information, images, videos and show results as linked packages and growing exponentially every day. Equine Access hosted websites become a community of effort, making more data available to all that use it.
Equine Access website hosting starts at $18/month with a one year contract, and a $34.00 set up fee. You keep your own farm name (URL, web address) and do not lose your established identity. We can set up your website live while you watch on your computer. Migration of your current website text, images, videos, and other content structure is available on a by the hour fee, and discussed in advance to fit your budget or you can do it yourself! A dynamic link set up to retrieve your United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) show results and embed them into your web site is also available. Equine Access is a website host that cares about you and your relationship to the US horse industry. Come join the fun!
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